Root canal therapy, or endodontic treatment, is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected.
If you are experiencing dental pain or discomfort in a previously treated tooth, talk to our endodontist in KS about retreatment.
This type of surgery can be used to locate small fractures or hidden canals that were previously undetected on X-rays during the initial treatment. Additionally, surgery may also be needed to remove calcium deposits in root canals or to treat damaged root surfaces or the surrounding bone of the tooth.
At Burroughs Endodontics, our vision is to provide the highest, quality-centered endodontic care in the Greater Kansas area, that is both ethically and scientifically based. Our root canal specialist provides compassionate care as an integral part of our patient’s overall dental health. We consider exceptional service paramount and will constantly strive to exceed your expectations. For those searching for an endodontist near Overland Park 66209, we are located in Overland Park, KS, and serving Olathe, Leawood, Shawnee and beyond.
Our endodontics specialist office in Overland Park provides Kansas with the most comfortable and advanced
Root Canal Services.
If you’re looking for an emergency endodontist in Overland Park 66209, Dr. Burroughs and his friendly staff will go out of their way to ensure you, and your family have an enjoyable and professional experience.